Monthly Archives: September 2017

2 posts

My run-in with the quilt police…

If you are a quilter (or an artist of any kind) it is no secret that your craft comes with it’s own set of critics- knitting knazis, painting pompouses, seamstress snobs and, in my case, the quilting police. Having been an artist as long as I have (basically my whole life) I am fully aware that any time I create something artistic there will be comments made by critics. But when I first got into quilting, or really more when I got into the piecing portion of quilting, the quilting police seemed to be exceptionally harsh to me. Maybe it […]

Super Sweet Designs, A New Coloring Book, and Hurricane Harvey Relief!

I have been so productive lately! I feel like everyday I am working on something different, but it is all just so fun! I am super grateful to have a baby that likes being my little side kick while I work. The hum of my quilting machine puts him right to sleep! I have been digitizing designs in a new way, and since my new process has been so awesome I have just gotten addicted! (check out my previous blog post to see what I mean). So, I wanted to show you some NEW DESIGNS that I just created! Also, […]